Sunday, August 3, 2008

Insensitivity to the limit! (call it stupidity)

I was alone in the office when my friend gave me a link to this video. I find it funny yet so saddening. Well, the guy seems to be just so stupid, that his stupidity already made him very insensitive to what the girl is trying to make him feel... Duh... But I like the song anyway. The singer seems so sincere. Then I thought, over-sincerity can also lead to insensitivity... Insensitivity to the point of not seeing (or trying not to see) the flaws in a relationship. Well, this song is an exaggeration, but it still has a point.


Nyl said...

i can't view youtube in my would hang up..sigh!

musta janj?take care...

Arianne The Bookworm said...

spinning around here.. yeah.. the song is kinda cool :)

Anonymous said...

I like the song but sigh for the stupidity. Have a great day to you
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