Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Irony of Life

Someone: It just feels so awful knowing that the very person whom you consider to be the closest person in your life suddenly turns you down. The very person whom you consider to be the most important just look at you 'lowly'.

Me: Huh? Hmmn... does it have something to do with _ _ _?

Someone: Do you know the feeling when people ridicule you, and no one stands by you? No one defends you?

Me: Duh... That just goes to show... and why would you care anyway? Don't you know that more people appreciate and admire you than those who scoff at you?

Someone: (pouting) But I don't care about those people. What I only care about is how that person sees me and gives me even a little importance.

Me: (shaken, but struggled to keep calm) So, you mean... Ai... just never mind...

Do you know how bad it feels when that someone tells you, right in front of your face, that you are USELESS??? When that person yells at you, in front of your friends? It really hurts, you know... (tears started to roll down his cheeks again)

Me: Useless. Root word? Use. Don't you get it? haaaiii... never mind...

(another 20 minutes of silence)

Someone: Well, she is right, anyway. Just look at me. I just look so craggy and ....

Me: Ah ok... So it's insecurity. You're just like that. You've always been like that. And we whole-heartedly accepted you for being like that. If that somebody can't accept you, then....

Someone: To whom will I do everything for? I think I'm losing my focus now.

Me: For yourself at least. You can't let anybody love you if you can't even learn to love yourself. Well, it's your choice,anyway. Misery is your choice. Everything is your choice. If you choose to stay like that, then you will really stay like that. There are so many things you need to do. Just don't look at only one side. There are so many people who look up on you.

This is an excerpt from a conversation I had. Whew! So it's really like that, huh? I just feel bad knowing that he doesn't really care for us, the people who are always behind him and whose arms are always open wide for him. Well, again, it's his choice. Still, we chose to stay by him.

Well, this is life - so ironic. But, I just can't understand why some people keep on trying to fit themselves on the very little space their so-called "important person" gives them. When in fact, they have so many real friends whom they can truly trust, who can understand them more than any other people can, who are always willing to lend a hand, and most of all, accept them as they are.


donfoxhunter said...
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I am Bong said...

ouch! it hurts to be wasted. but ok ra na friend. the important thing is, you remain as a genuine friend...

Renz said...

I totally get where Mr. Someone is coming from. Just be there for him.
I hope the pain goes away soon though.

donfoxhunter said...

duhhhhh...... g delete dyud aq comment... ok....

rocky choleric said...
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rocky choleric said...

saonz na lang... bason history will repeat itself... good luck to all of us!