Warning: This is one of those pointless posts that I make whenever I badly need to update this blog. LOL Geez..., (*sad face) my last post received a zero "yawyaw" from my avid commentators. Hu-wwhhyyy...???
Finally, it's Friday and I'm stucked here with another pointless argument with the ever-pointless
Dondon (*evil grin).
Recently, I discovered a song which immediately became my favorite, and of course,
Leop's also...
Jhet? Wanna make this your favorite also? LOL...
Anywayz, the VP called us for a meeting. I wonder what it could be about... This just means that we are now back to serious business (*sigh).
Two more days, and classes will start again. Whoa! Am I prepared? Am I? Am I? I got no choice but to be... (*another long sigh) Fortunately, I only have nine more subjects left. Weeeehhh...!!! I really hope I can graduate. No, I have to. I ought to. This semester, I can only take four subjects. Geez... Lots'a vacant time, lots'a working time, lots'a "laag" time. LOL...
I am actually very excited to work on our theme this year. Aside from yearbook stuffs, we are also planning to do many other things for the university. As most of the yearbook staff members this year are graduating, we want to leave something good to our Alma Mater (char..!)
Anywayz, my "laag" buddies are planning another pre-classes outing this weekend to prepare us for another stressful, mind-boggling months ahead. Weee...!
In the meantime, let me sing my new favorite song.... (LOL)
♫I told you so, ♪ oh I told you so♪
♪ I told you some ♫ day you come crawling back and asking ♫ me to take you in
♫I told you so, ♫ but you had to go ♪
LOL.... =)