Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Awesome Entrecard Features

It has been quite a while! Geez, I'm sure, you guyz, have missed me... (*wink*) I've been doing charity jobs...(kidding) Actually, my friends are venturing into their own enterprise, and they just opened last Sunday. We helped out and even spent overnights there. We also helped in preparing the food for the grand opening of ARCKE Multimedia Solutions and Services.

Anyway, when I checked on my e-mail, I was surprised to receive this mail from the Entrecard Team. Now, you can add multiple blogs to your account. It's really cool! Imagine, you will be able to choose whether to link your account with another EXISTING account, or to register a NEW BLOG with Entrecard, and automatically link it to your account. This is indeed an awesome feature of Entrecard. Now, I will no longer have any hassles logging into my other blog to easily drop cards to other sites.

Entrecard also has a new e-book to help you on the basics of Entrecard and guide you along the way. Download the e-book on this link:


I'll blog about ARCKE and our escapade later. I'm still waiting for the pics...

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