Monday, June 23, 2008

Office face-lifting

Jeesshh... That was like years! I was out the blogosphere for almost a month, but it was like forever! Oh well, now I'm back. Did anybody miss me? I, sure as heavens, miss everybody!

Actually, I've been also busy lately. Busy, I say? A whole lot, really. I even have not had enough sleep. I guess, I just really have to bear with it by now, because I'm expecting worse things to come.

Anywayz, we just gave our office a whole new skin! Yup, and that is, a really whole new look. I was really pleased with the result of our efforts, and I'm very thankful that I'm surrounded with the most creative and talented people in the whole wide world (wheew.. haha). Here are some pics taken during the face-lifting of the office.

It was chaos at first...

then, it started...

Argey did his thing...

then it became like this...

and this...

the result? taaddaaa...!

See? The once plain, cream-colored office, now evolved to a colorful, ingeniously-painted one. Some students have already seen our new office, and everytime they come in, I can always see the amazement in their faces. Our adviser is also very pleased. She even said that the university president should really see it. Weeew... so I guess, we've set another trend... haha...


Anonymous said...

Call it an over all make over, not just face-lifting! :) he he he ^_6

Janjie said...

Awkie... it's an over-all make over then... hehehe...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for dropping by! Nice painting!

Anonymous said...

Nice super ganda na ng room.. ahehehe... sana ganyan din room ko...