Saturday, May 10, 2008

For the World's Greatest Mom...

Dear Ma,

How could I ever thank you for everything that you did for me? How could I ever repay you for all the goodness and support that you've shown me?

You carried me in your womb for nine months and delivered me healthy. You fed, clothe, and sheltered me. You gave me the best things that you could manage to offer. And you've been very supportive to me all throughout.

When I was very nervous during my knee-jerking first day in school, you were there to give me your reassuring hug. You helped me with my perplexing assignments and encouraged me to study harder. You've been with me through my best and my worst. You've always been a part of my endeavors- you always support me during my trying times and celebrate with me during my triumphs. We cried together, laugh together, and faced together our adversities.

For my confidante, my best friend, my mother, let me express to you my warmest, sincerest THANK YOU for everything. I love you more than you ever think I do. Happy Mother's Day, Ma...!

the author

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarap naman nyan.